Sunday, April 28, 2013

Korean living daily tip #1

I plan on trying to post short, often quirky, little tips now and again as I roam through various parts of Korea (mostly Seoul but hopefully other places too) since I never really manage to get longer more detailed posts finished. These will be tips (or info) that may help you know what to expect in daily life in Korea. These are from my viewpoint as living in Seoul, so they may not apply to everyone or every place. So on to my first one:

Sneaky escalators! Here, unlike in some other places I have been (mainly North America), the escalator may appear to be broken when infact it is really just sleeping. Way to go conserving energy, Korea. Seriously, if people arent using it, they often stop, but will usually start back up as you walk up to it. I am sure this happens in other countries too, but it was something I had never personally seen before. I would walk up saying, "awww that sucks," then it would start up as I got closer. It seems that a broken escalator will usually have a sign blocking it completely, so dont be too disappointed at first glance if you see a still escalator. It likely is just waiting for you to get closer before it starts.

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